Leading Industry Advocate

IRI is the voice of the insured retirement industry before policymakers, including federal regulatory agencies, Congress, and state regulators and legislators. IRI advocates for public policy solutions that expand access to workplace retirement plans and protected lifetime income products and seeks to ensure access to consumers' choice of professional financial guidance, among other priorities.

IRI’s highly successful advocacy efforts on behalf of its members has been recognized by association industry organizations and Washington, D.C. publications. Read more about IRI advocacy awards and recognition.


IRI Federal Blueprint

IRI's federal Retirement Security Blueprint is the road map for IRI's public policy objectives each year.

Expand Opportunities to Save for Retirement

Facilitate Greater Use of Protected, Guaranteed Lifetime Income Solutions

Promote Access to Professional Financial Guidance

Foster Innovation, Modernization, Education, and Advice

Boost Protections to Safeguard Consumers, Diverse Representation, and Participation

Maintain and Augment the Current Tax Treatment of Retirement Savings


Regulatory Examinations Priorities Report

This IRI report is designed to help members identify and highlight where examination priorities overlap and to provide insight on those areas of focus and other hot topics within the industry, including related activity by state regulators.


Public Policy Developments Impacting IRI Members

This report provides an overview of key regulatory proposals, final rules and regulations, and other important developments that occurred throughout the previous year. This report can help IRI members strategically prepare for compliance and operational changes that may be needed to implement new laws or regulations and pending proposals that may become final and effective in the coming year.

Government Affairs Update

IRI's Government Affairs Update is a unique weekly report on federal and state issues of concern to the insured retirement industry. This exclusive members-only publication includes insights and information to help you stay current on the critical issues of the day.

Champions of Retirement Security

The IRI Champion of Retirement Security Award is bestowed upon public policymakers who support and advance policies to enhance retirement security in the United States. Award recipients demonstrate leadership in promoting retirement savings and financial security for America's workers and retirees.