Rising Star Award
New Award for 2024
The Rising Star Award recognizes an emerging leader who shows exemplary service to their profession, colleagues, and the insured retirement industry.
- The nominee must have made a significant contribution to the Insured Retirement Institute and/or the member organization/profession.
- Demonstrated the potential for leadership and continuing service. Specific examples of his/her continuing activities must be provided.
- The nominee must have worked in the industry for at least one year and no more than eight years.
Nomination Process
- IRI Staff and IRI members can nominate a committee member or colleague based on the above criteria.
- Nominations should include evidence of the nominee’s contributions to IRI or the organization/profession.
- Nomination form needs to be completed and submitted to memberservices@IRIonline.org by Friday, January 12, 2024.
Selection Process
Selection committee (made up of IRI staff) will review nominations and will select final award recipient.
The recipient will be announced and honored at IRI's 2024 Annual Conference on April 2-4 in Nashville, TN.